Monday, November 30, 2009

I have some unrelated images to show you.

Number 1:

Beth found this postcard at MCC a few months ago and I fell in love with it straightaway. Then, for some time, neither of us could locate it. The anxiety level in our room was quite high for the past couple weeks, let me tell you. Today, as Beth was searching for a picture of a boy with a trophy she stumbled across it and we both let out triumphant whoops of joy. Now, even if we lose it, or give it away, I can always come back to this point in time, when I put it up on the internet, in all of my infinite wisdom. It reminds me of my brother, a future planner of cities. Bruce, make em' like this.

Number 2:

I am doing a photo project on downtown Abbotsford and I met this man at the bus stop last Thursday and he was kind enough to let me take his picture. I just loved all the different patterns he was wearing, and his spider man hat. I will put up more from this project soon.

Number 3:

This is Jordan. He amazes me. And will soon be a new resident of Abbotsford. For this I am thankful.

And now, for some unrelated sentences:

The Canadian Government gave me a one thousand dollar gift the other day.
I went snow shoeing for the first time in my 23 years this weekend.
I want to start a memories journal.
Sometimes, I treat my friends quite badly.
Swimming two nights a week with Tessa is my favorite.
We had stuffed potatoes for dinner tonight. And roast beef.
I am going to buy a bike soon. Any tips? I have a 700 dollar budget compliments of the B.C Scrap-it Program. Those guys are the best.
My Opa is very, very sick and I'm scared.
Maybe, this summer, I'll go to India. Maybe.
Today words are not coming easy.
Lately, I have felt calm.
It's nice.


  1. I have a raleigh road bike (, which i love very much. but, for 700 you could get a bianchi! or a peugeot?

  2. i am overjoyed that you are blogging. have fun bike shopping. i love your photo. i wish you peace about your opa. and three cheers for the canadian government.
