Do you ever just feel pulled in a million directions? And I don't mean social obligations, folks. I mean inside our brainsss. Lately, I don't know what to focus on. I guess it's good that there is more brimming in there than nothing.... I wonder about my future, what I'm meant to do, what I should pursue... I find myself wanting to paint, knit, stamp and craft constantly. I want to write letters to friends. I want to decorate my house better. I want to enroll in courses. I want to start a business. I want to sell art. Or maybe something completely different? I want to travel and not work every day. I get home from work and dabble in a million things, not really accomplishing anything and then I go to bed where I toss and turn with these ideas swirling... I really hope I find some focus soon. I've been obsessed with Kijiji lately as well, selling odd things around the house.. boots... decorations... my bike. I've brought baskets of books to Fairs Fair. I just have this sense of wanting to spend less and sell what I have. Mark and I gave up watching TV and movies for lent, so maybe that is directly linked to my over active thought life. Probably. I'll just wait for Easter to be over so I can placate my brain again with the comforting glow of Netflix and getting back to Friends Season 5. Or maaaaybe something will come of all these ideas banging around inside my head. I hope so.
I'd like to tell you about around here lately...
Okay this is going back a while to Mark's B-day. He turned 29 and I bought him a sweet axe and made him an english muffin for breakfast. He liked it.
We stayed at the Sheraton DT Calgary for a night for a birthday treat and it was so fun! We went in the pool at night, showered and then walked to the theater in Eau Clair in our PJ's and wet hair and saw Birdman. It was so fun. This is a picture of when Mark has popcorn and inevitably says 'Check it out' and then eats it with no hands.
We went for a long walk along the river too. I love all the bridges.
We checked out the public library downtown the next day, after coffee at Rosso's. It was lovely.
This is where we like to relax on Sundays. I love our couch and that yellow blanket will put you to sleep no matter what.
Sometimes this is what our couch looks like after we be nappin'.
This is me at work excited because a coworker gave me a life proof iPhone case. I'd been dropping my phone in the snow a lot so it was needed. I've since taken it off because it's hideous.
This is Mark and I at Gravity Coffee in Inglewood on a Saturday just working on our budget. #reallife
A blustery walk home.
We are writing Mark's mom 60 letters over the course of her 60th year, so one day we went out for coffee and both wrote to Anne. It was nice.
The weather has been so warm, we can't help but walk all over the place!
This is me knitting before church - I just wake up and want to knit! I'm registered for a class in Inglewood to learn to knit SOCKS and I CANNOT WAIT to work that heel!
I was pretty proud cause I read a pattern to knit this and knit with double pointed needles, two things I had never done. It was surprisingly easy and it made me feel like I could do anything! It's a little troll toddler tuque, it's supposed to be a little pointy on top. I'm trying to make the next one even pointier.
This is me and my good pal Allison at Village Ice cream on an unseasonably warm Sunday afternoon.
These boys have known each other for decades!! It was so nice to see Mark Demmons and have him see our home here in Calgary. I think I had just told Mark to look normal, hence the exasperated look on his face.
Me and my B.I.L Daniel, he's pretty cool I guess. He just moved to Calgary for a bit so we'll be seeing a lot more of him. It's gonna be great!
That's that. You have now been updated. I gotta get to sleep!
Till next time.