Friday, December 7, 2012

Hello Nova Scotia Goodbye Nova Scotia

I've been feeling somewhat like I've been clogging up people's instagrams feeds, so I've decided to kick start my hopefully renewed blogging dealy with some more Halifax pictures! 
We were there for 12 days, which is the longest visit we've had since Christmas of 2010... Whoa. We were able to relax and meet up with friends, spend lazy days with family and take many walks. It was delightful. And since Mark's job doesn't start till Dec 7 (today!) we didn't have anything to worry about at all. It was a strange and wonderful sensation. Without any further ado, here are some more pictures from our trip. 

Reflections in the lake.

Mark's parent's sweet house. 


Enjoying TIBS and Mark's totally normal eating face. 

Bruce and Lyds got a sweet new lamp while we were there. 

Sending some business emails.

Exploring a sweet bookstore in Dartmouth.

Buying supplies.

Christmas Baking time! 

Panorama from the Citadel. 

We took the ferry over to Dartmouth, t'was beautiful and cold.

A cool cork.

Transit passes, nbd. 

Sometimes I'm scared Mark is getting sick of me taking picture of him at every turn. 

Halifax was so beautiful this day. 

The citadel from in the city.

The street Bruce and Lydia live on. 

We went on a road trip to the valley to visit both of Mark's grandmothers and also Audrey, a lady who has prayed for Mark his whole life. It was really great to meet her, she was so chatty and so very short. Dan and Peter did a few impromptu piano duets while we were there. 

We picked up Grammie Freeman and Mark leapt at the chance to ride in the trunk. What a weirdo. 

All cozied up.

We stopped in at the Price's, close family friends of the Freeman's. They were so cool! They had so many neat things. Including these old cars and tons of cameras. 

We went to Frenchy's in Bridgewater and I found these goods. 

This is future Atangard.

Mark got his hair cut and his beard trimmed by the sweet Lydia.

Eli rocking the iPad at the apple store. He was so serious about it. His little fingers kill me.

Mark and I went to a sweet craft market. Overwhelmed with the amount of amazing art and goods. 

This photo is to document how Eli likes to wander into every sketchy alley available. Gotta watch that kid.

Cold Sunday afternoon walks. 


I'm offended at Mark's face.

No explanation.


This post has been sitting on my computer for over a week. Mark has now finished his first week of training. It went well & he loves it! We went on celebratory date last night and stayed out way too late. We are currently enjoying his first day off in our PJ's and it's snowing outside. Really looking forward to Chad and Em coming this weekend for a lil' visit. Also can't wait for Christmas, praying we can make coming home work out. I should post this before another week passes. Tata!